Must know the benefit of Sharing your ideas Sharing your ideas You must utilise any community forum to share your business ideas with the fellow entrepreneur. You can refine your thoughts and improve your business plans by asking others to challenge your ideas. You may find learners with similar ideas; collaborations might provide a possible route forward. However, it is important to remember that we live in a competitive world – if you do have an idea for the ‘next big thing’, you may choose to keep some of the details to yourself. You need to weigh up the risk involved by sharing your ideas against this great opportunity to receive feedback and learn from others. Whether you discuss your ideas in full or part is completely up to you; we just want you to take a moment to consider the possible repercussions before you jump in.
City life is nourished by people ,relation ,economic activity and time.We always talk that we know someone who is living in this city and we have good relation and he is employed with a big company and very busy with daily schedule. Urbantribe is nomadic and native of citylife that is market oriented