What Does True Government Transformation Look Like?
Transformation is about an organization or program moving from one state of being to another. It implies a significant and disruptive change that is necessary when an organization shifts its mission, realigns resources, or changes the way work is done. We don’t all quite know yet what is in all the agency transformation plans mandated by OMB Memorandum 17-22. There may be some bold ideas and some also-ran ideas that perhaps have great optics, but may show little true results. So far, I have heard hints of transitioning some programs to other agencies, reducing some identified duplication, shared service implementations, and a few program reductions. Some agencies have begun offering early-outs, others allowing attrition to address workforce reductions, and still other agencies indicating there will be no workforce changes.
- http://center4oe.com/what-does-true-government-transformation-look-like/?utm_content=bufferb9612&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer#.W9Uwf5MzbIU
- http://center4oe.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Agency-Reform-Program-Management-Office.pdf