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Showing posts from 2017

Awaken people network

Dear Political Master of my beloved country, We as Indian provide knowledge services across the world, but when we try to ask to do something research and investigate this matter and remove dust in the context of Bharat, put matter of fact before next generation. Like you Elder always says it is matter of belief. You must know that belief is built up on learning and experiences that is purely scientific method to accept the thing under impression of objectivity and subjectivity .If you are not putting right fact in this discourse it means you are again pushing this country before Mughal and British period where as each this was matter of faith. I trust your story but where is fact and source .we cannot build entire system on the emotional story. Sometimes it require to motivate to build and install sense of pride and leadership among masses. But if you want to strong system it requires fact and source, authencity of this folklore. Because I have been reading and listening story s...

मौत बनकर टूटा सरकारी तंत्र का पहाड़

मौत बनकर टूटा सरकारी तंत्र  का पहाड़ राजेश पाराशर आप सभी से निवदन है की इस बात पर गौर किया जाय जो घटना घटी ,उसे संचार तंत्र ने प्रकाशित किया । बारिश के चलते पूर्वी दिल्ली स्थित गाजीपुर के पास कूड़े के पहाड़ का एक हिस्सा ढह जाने से बड़ा हादसा हो गया. हादसे में एक लड़की समेंत  दो की मौत हो गई. यह लड़की नहर के पास से स्कूटी से गुजर रही थी. सात लोगों के दबे होने की आशंका जताई जा रही है. पांच लोगों को बचाया गया है. प्रशासन ने दो लोगों की मौत की पुष्टि की है. हादसे के चपेट में 6 गाड़ियां आ गई और पास की नहर में गिर गई हैं.1984 में इस पहाड़ को खड़ा किया गया था. ओखला में भी एक कूड़े के ढेर को बनाया गया है. करीब 600 ट्रक रोजाना कूड़ा लेकर यहां आते हैं. दिल्ली से रोज लगभग 14000 टन कचरा निकाला जाता है. ये पूरा क्षेत्र 70 एकड़ में फैला हुआ है. फिलहाल यह पहाड़ 50 फीट ऊंचा है। चश्मदीदों के मुताबिक, ऐसा लग रहा था जैसे कूड़े के अंदर कोई गैस बन गई थी। जिस वजह से कूड़े के पहाड़ का एक हिस्सा लोगों पर गिर गया। हादसे के तुरंत बाद स्थानीय लोगों ने नहर में कूदकर कुछ लोगों को बचाया तो कुछ लोगों ने कूड़े म...

Days with Bully

Days with Bully  Please allow me to narrate my own experience which I have faced during my work journey. During 10 year work journey, I encountered such bully at every work place as co-worker, boss. Earlier I used to think that this was my fate or mistake. I love my profession as Researcher and love to voracious reader that leads me under a bully‘s trap. After 2013 I encountered life change scenario that my boss wanted to retain me despite closing all operations. He is very polite and charismatic and charming person. He ensured and assured me for all kind of support. I was transferred to next city(near to my native town) to establish new office at his behest I agreed because I wanted to move. Because there was no fixed pay date and any rules and it became one -man show. Always he tried to convince me working with him is good for me. Whenever I tried to learn or build my competency on any tool or domain. He said that is not your work ,we can hire somebody who can do. ...

Well Being in Indian Context

Well Being in Indian Context  by Rajesh Parashar  Well Being can be defined in wider context . International Labour Organisation (ILO) has defined Decent work – Key to sustainable development- The biggest asset your Organisation has is its people; the biggest asset they have is their health and wellbeing -so it makes good business sense for you to look after it. We are living at 21st century that is full of experience and service oriented economy . We are here to solve new age management problem with old sticks that was evolved during Industrial Revolution The services sector is not only the dominant sector in India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), but has also attracted significant foreign investment flows, contributed significantly to exports as well as provided large-scale employment. India’s services sector covers a wide variety of activities such as trade, hotel and restaurants, transport, storage and communication, financing, insurance, real estate, business serv...


Concepts of Digital Marketing by Rajesh Parashar MBA(IT&HR-CVRU);A.I.S(CSIR-NISCAIR);M.Sc.(VBSPU-HCPG-VARANASI) Dear Friends Good Evening , Thank you to Madam who has given me permission speak on this topic-Digital Marketing . First of all I would like explain some basic concepts and brief history behind this. Communication  Communicate Consciousness with value message to particular community i.e communication . Since ancient human civilization,cave man conveyed message through cave painting that is related with daily routine ,food habit,tools . It had strong message to transfer information and knowledge to next generation . Marketing  Primary objective is to make aware about you and your product and services,create positive image with your target audience.   Digital Marketing  Creating awareness about you and  your product and services,create positive image with your target audience through digital medium and digital...


Tuition Support after School  by Rajesh Parashar MBA(IT&HR-CVRU);A.I.S(CSIR-NISCAIR);M.Sc.(VBSPU-HCPG-VARANASI) Learning is a continuous process whether you learn by your own way or through interaction or by mentoring.  Times of India OpED opinionated that total number unemployment  youth would be 200 million by 2015 aged between 30-45. IT enables tasks would have been digitized and done by artificial intelligent robots       


Discussion :Peer Pressure by Rajesh Parashar I would like to thank you Ma’am given me this topic to discussion on “Peer Pressure”. And appreciate to Dear Friends to listen me attentively. Peer Pressure play very important role to shape Individual behavior and way of thinking. We as Human being belongs to group and community. We follow community norms and rules to be part of a group. Why? Because human cannot live in an isolation. Any age group of person get affected due to its peer behavior. This impact is expressed by listening, speaking, appearance and mannerism. People easily follow their peer mannerism to lead life and try to fulfill his objective. I would like to cite one example here how I chose to my medical career under peer pressure. And I knew that I was unable to do because weakness on physics and mathematics.  I wasted my two year along with my parents’ wealth as well.   After Some time I realized that I was good to understand philosophica...


Debate:Brain Vs Beauty  I am writing this piece on Beauty vs Brain which is asked by during in a debate.   Brain  We are intelligent species on this planet .Individual can become expert on any domain by doing practice Brain is ultimate and eternal and it gets polished and shined more with passing of time. Brain has the capacity to mould and shape the fortune and win the hearts whereas beauty can only glow when Individual has good luck. Brain is very calculative and Beauty is aesthetic and expressive Evolution of human is directly linked to evolution of brain . Beauty  In my opinion we cannot restrict definition of Beauty just appearance, it has wide interpretation like sense of inner beauty, way of life .How you express and enjoy your life, relation and society. I see beauties in everything. We want everything that look good and function well. We spend a lot of money on them, and use them constantly. In context of human being, Beauty...